General & Family Dental Services

The Most Common Dental Implant Options and How They’re Used

Are you excited about getting dental implants in Jay, FL? Most people are! But did you know there are several different types of dental implant options? There are. However, the different options are based on need, not desire. So let’s go over those options and when each type is used.

The Most Common Dental Implant Options and How They’re Used

The following types of dental implants are the most commonly used by your dentist in Jay, FL. Your specific needs will determine which of the following options your dentist will recommend for you.

Endosteal Implants

Most dentists will use endosteal implants only if you have healthy jawbones. These are titanium screws that are inserted into your jawbone. Bone forms around these screws. The dentist will then add an abutment to the top of it. Then they will add the artificial tooth on top of that to complete your implant.

Subperiosteal Implants

Subperiosteal implants are what dentists use when you don’t have enough jawbone to hold a dental implant in place. This type of implant is positioned on or above your jawbone to hold your new implant in place.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 implants are also very common. They are less expensive than a full mouth restoration. Your dentist might suggest all-on-4s if you can’t afford a traditional set of dental implants, but you don’t want dentures either.

All-on-4 implants use just four titanium screws that are inserted into your jawbone in four places versus for each tooth like a full mouth restoration. Those four implants are what will hold your implant arch in place.

Implant Overdentures

Implant overdentures are similar to all-on-4s. They use implants to hold your dentures in place. The only difference between these and all-on-4s is how they are placed in your jawbone. All-on-4s are inserted into your jawbone at an angle.

Do You Need a Dentist in Jay, FL?

Getting dental implants requires a dentist to perform the procedure. Please Contact Jim D. Lassiter, DMD, FAGD, today. We are a team of dental implant experts who specialize in preserving smiles.

Common Misconceptions about Dental Implants

Have you been curious about dental implants but unsure about them because of all the misconceptions? Your dentist in Jay, FL, can help. But first, let’s talk about some of those misconceptions so you can achieve a better, healthier smile.

The Most Common Misconceptions about Dental Implants

Have you encountered any of these misconceptions?


OK, this is the big elephant in the room — the cost of dental implants. Most, if not all, people think that dental implants are wildly expensive. But if you really stop and think about it, dental implants are a one-and-done. Yes, the initial cost is higher. However, they last significantly longer than other tooth replacement options. This makes dental implants a cost-effective choice in the long run.

Pain and Recovery

Just the thought of drilling holes in your jaw can send chills down your spine. But it really isn’t all that. Dental implants in Jay, FL, can be completed with just local anesthesia, and most people find the recovery period very manageable. Besides, have you ever had a root canal? That required drilling in your jaw, and you recovered just fine from that, didn’t you?


Another common misconception is that dental implants require a lot of maintenance. But the truth is that they don’t require much maintenance at all once your jawbone has healed.

Success Rate

If you’re unfamiliar with dental implants, you might not realize they have an excellent success rate. A 98% success rate at that (if performed by a qualified professional).

Appearance and Functionality

Did you know that dental implants look and feel like your natural teeth? And they function just like them too!

Insurance Coverage

There’s even more good news! While insurance coverage varies, many dental insurance policies now cover at least a partial portion of the dental implant procedure.

Do You Need a Dentist in Jay, FL?

Don’t let these dental implant misconceptions keep you from getting the smile you’ve always wanted. Contact Jim D. Lassiter, DMD, today for a consultation.